Рік створення | 2023 |
Габарити | 38 Ш × 56 В × 0,1 Г cm |
Вид мистецтва | живопис |
Стиль | фотореалізм |
Жанр | пейзаж |
Матеріали | акварель, папір |
Спосіб упаковки | картонна упаковка |
Схід сонця в Карпатах сніг Вінтер. Карпатські гори Карпатські долини взимку чарівні. Деякі з моїх картин територіально знаходяться в Україні і я не можу продати їх вам через цей сайт, на жаль. Природні пейзажі – одна з моїх улюблених тем для творчості. Я люблю малювати природу своєї країни України. Всі роботи виконані на професійному акварельному бавовняному папері.
Hello! My name is Yulia, I was born in Ukraine. I have been drawing since childhood. Sometimes it seems to me that watercolor can replace air for me. I am inspired by everything beautiful around me, architecture, nature in all its manifestations in any season and time of day, everything around has its own personal beauty... When I look at the sea, mountains, birds, animals or just see a shadow of an interesting shape, I I immediately think about how I will paint it... Watercolor is quite difficult, but my favorite material, which captivates me in the process of painting with its sophistication and charm of the process. Currently, there are 2 main areas in my work: natural and urban landscapes and illustrations of animals and birds in the Alla Prima style. Currently, there are 2 main areas in my work: natural and urban landscapes and illustrations of animals and birds in the Alla Prima style. The originals of my watercolor paintings are in private collections in the USA, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Bulgaria and Ukraine.