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Импрессионизм Пейзаж Живопись "Horses by the water" живописец Andrіі Bychev масло холст
Картина «Horses by the water»,  Andrіі Bychev
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Horses by the water

Andrіі BychevУкраина
Оригинальная картина, 69.8×50 см, 2024
1 712 $USD
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Характеристики картины «Horses by the water»

Год создания2024
Габариты69,8 Ш × 50 В × 2 Г   cm
Вид искусстваживопись
Материалымасло, холст
Способ упаковкикартонная упаковка
Ключевые слова

Описание работы «Horses by the water»

The sun, like a white-hot blade, slowly sank behind the mountain peaks, painting them crimson. The shadows from the fir trees stretched out and lay on the emerald grass, as if trying to capture the last rays of the passing day. The air, filled with the aroma of pine needles and wet earth, rang with silence, broken only by the quiet murmur of the stream. By the water itself, with our heads bowed,the horses drank water. Their smooth sides shone copper in the sunset rays, and a light breeze swept their manes. The young stallion, impatiently moving his legs, tried every now and then to start a game, lightly pushing his older comrade with his muzzle. The old leader of the herd stood a little further away, on a hillock. He vigilantly examined the surroundings, sensitively listening to every rustle.In his eyes, reflecting the crimson flame of the sunset, wisdom and calm strength were read.

О художнике
Andrіі Bychev

Andrіі Bychev, Украина

Life is like a palette of colors. As an artist, I have gone through different stages of my life, each of which has left its mark on my work. I devoted more than 20 years to serving in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, going from cadet to colonel. This service showed me the world in all its harsh reality, but did not break me, but on the contrary,strengthened my desire to return to an old dream - the world of art. Since 2008, I plunged into the world of the gaming industry, where I created graphics, designed interfaces, and created animations. During this time, I independently mastered many areas in computer graphics, moving from a concept artist to an art director. From 2021 I felt the need for something more and started creating watercolor and oil paintings. My works, mainly landscapes, reflect my admiration for the beauty of nature and the desire to capture these fragile moments. I believe that life is beautiful and therefore I love everything bright and memorable, which is certainly reflected in my paintings. My main goal in art is to convey to people that joy is not only an emotion, but also the meaning of life. And even such a terrible test as war is not able to extinguish this tremulous flame.

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