Collections of artworks at Jose Art Gallery

Jose Art Gallery
09 August 2022
Collections of artworks at Jose Art Gallery
In this article, we will help you understand "Collections". What are they for, how to create them, fill and use.

How to create a collection of artworks

User collections are selections of artworks united by a common style or theme. Create unique collections and share them to your friends.

This is a very convenient and useful tool of our platform, which you can use for:

- creating thematic selections of your own artworks;
- creating thematic selections of artworks of art by other artists;
- creating individual closed thematic selections of artworks;
- creating other thematic selections (for example, saving and organizing the artworks of other artists that you particularly liked).

To create a new collection, go to the "Collections" section of your profile and click the "Create Collection" button.
Give it a name, and choose whether the collection will be public or private.
Click the "Save" button.

How to add an artwork to a collection

Empty collections are like blank papers. Add artworks to the collection, breathe life and colors into them.

Go to the details of the artwork you want to add to the collection. It can be both - your work or the artworks of other users.
Click on the drop-down menu of the list of collections and choose needed one (you can choose several collections at the same time). Click the "Save" button.
Or click the button at the bottom of the list and create a new collection, in which the selected artwork will be added automatically.

How to share your collection

Collections help to promote artists and their works. After all, this is an opportunity to show the selected, best works, which can attract the attention of potential buyers. Once you've created great art collections, you can send their links to share your mood and artistic vision.

Go to the details of the collection you want to share.
At the top of the screen, click the "Share" button and choose a convenient way to send (messaging apps, e-mail, JAG users chats).
Send a message with a link.

How to make collection private

Jose Art Gallery users have the option to create closed collections for their own use. This may be due to security, privacy, or just because you want to do so.

Go to the details of the collection you want to make private.
At the top of the screen, click the "Edit" button.
Change switcher "Private Collection" to On.
After that, the "Share" button will disappear in that collection, and the previously sent links will not be active.

How to share a private collection

Private collections are hidden from all Jose Art Gallery users, but you can make them available via a private link for individual people. It can be useful for work or special occasions and moments.

Go to the details of the private collection that you want to make available via a private link.
At the top of the screen, click the "Edit" button.
Change switcher "Access by link" to on.
After that, the "Copy link" button will appear.
The collection remains closed to all users except those who have "closed link".
To share the collection, click the "Copy link" button and choose a convenient method for sending (messaging apps, e-mail, JAG users chats).
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