MEHMET ŞİRİN KURT (1995-Mardin) 1995-Born in Mardin Nusaybin district. 2013-Graduated from Diyarbakır Fine Arts High School. 2013- Started his undergraduate education at Dokuz Eylül Faculty Art Education. 2014-Izmir HaberEylül He worked as a cartoonist in his newspaper. 2014-He made a drawing on social media called Cartoon World. 2015-In Batman Sonsöz Newspaper He worked as a cartoonist. 2015-Sleepless Humor magazine & quot; Inbox & quot; He made a drawing in the corner 2016-Buca He worked as a cartoonist in the newspaper Denge. 2019-Graduated from Dokuz Eylul University Buca Faculty of Education (Department of Graphic Design). and internationally; Izmir, Istanbul, Iğdır, Mardin, Diyarbakır, Bolu, Aydın / NewYork, Belgium, Mixed and personal in Germany, Ukraine, Russia, America, Iraq, Netherlands, Kentucky, London, Qatar, Italy The exhibitions have been opened / attended. Nearly 70 (seventy) museums, whose works are national and international and available in the collection of collectors. AWARDS 2020- International "Spring and Flowers" Online Exhibition and Competition - Tall Suquoia Gallery(1st/Birincilik) / USA 2020- Teelent Art Italy "StART " Art Competition (1st/Birincilik) ITALY 2017-KÖROĞLU VE BOLU PAİNTİNG COMPETİTİON-HONORABLE MENTİON(Mansiyon) BOLU/TURKEY 2017-4.INTERNATİONAL CULTURE AND ART DİALOGUE ASSOCİATİON MEHMET NURİ GÖÇEN PAİNTİNG COMPETİTİON-SUCCESS AWARD(1st/birincilik) TURKEY 2013-18.NEHAR TÜBLEK ” ISTANBUL ” CARTOON COMPETİTİON-SPECİAL JURY PRİZE(Jüri Özel Ödülü)- TURKEY 2012-GRAFFİTİ SKETCH BATTLE CONTEST-HONORABLE MENTİON (Mansiyon) TURKEY 2011-DİYARBAKIR “POLİCE WİTH YOUTH” PİCTURE CONTEST – FİRST PLACE(1 st/ Birincilik)TURKEY
EXHIBITIONS 2020-Online Art Event ‘’CAN YOU HEAR ME?’’ – IG: MARKAJART- TURKEY 2020- 2.Online İnternational Exhibition- IG: @CONTEMPORARY.P.ART- TURKEY 2020- International Online "Spring and Flowers" Art Exhibition and Competition- Tall Suquoia Gallery- USA 2020-Mixed Exhibition- BricklaneGallery-London 2020-Covid19 Social Juried Group Exhibition-NEWYORK 2020- Online Meeting of Kurdish Painters- IRAQ 2020-"GATHERING" Online Solo Exhibition- NewWorldGallery- TURKEY 2020-Teelent Italy Art Group Exhibition-ITALY 2019-“WORKER” Personel Exhibition–MARDIN 2019- Solo Exhibition - Jose Art Gallery - UKRAIN and RUSSIA 2019–Mardin Gathering–Group Exhibition–MARDİN 2018-Solo Exhibition- AzucarGallery/GERMANY 2018-ANACRON Personel Exhibition–Türkan Saylan ArtGallery-IZMIR 2017-Simlish Flight Fairy Tale Painting Contest-İSTANBUL 2017-Prof.Dr.Mehmet Fırıncı Ateiler Group Exhibition/GalleryEylül-İZMİR 2017- DEU Graphic Design Exhibition-İZMİR 2017-DEU Graphic Design Exhibition-İZMİR 2017-İTK Bahattin Tatış Painting Competition-İZMİR 2017- 4.Mehmet Nuri Göçen Painting Competition-AYDIN 2015-İTK Bahattin Tatış Painting Competition-İZMİR 2015- Exlibris Art Mixed Exhibition - QATAR 2013- 18.Nehar Tüblek Cartoon Competition-ISTANBUL 2013- 3th National Antalya Cartoon Contest-ANTALYA 2013- Mixed Exhibition-IGDIR 2013- 2.TAD Turkey General Painting Competition-ISTANBUL 2013- Personal Cartoon Exhibition-DIYARBAKIR 2013-Personal Cartoon Exhibition-MARDIN 2012-Kentucky State Group Painting-KENTUCKY 2012-Işık University 1st National Exlibris Competition-ISTANBUL 2012-Inter-High School Theater Poster Design Competition-DIYARBAKIR 2011- Police Painting Competition with YouthPainting-DIYARBAKIR 2011-Inter-High School Theater Poster Design Competition-DIYARBAKIR 2008-Personal Painting Exhibition-MARDİN FAIR–FESTIVAL–WORKSHOP-PERFORMANCE 2019- SHODO PerformanceArt-ADANA 2019-Water Color Workshop-MARDİN 2019–Oil Painting Workshop–MARDIN 2018–18.Alsancak Summer Art Festivals–IZMIR 2017-1.International Ovacik ArtDays-TUNCELİ
MEHMET ŞİRİN KURT (1995-Mardin) 1995-Born in Mardin Nusaybin district. 2013-Graduated from Diyarbakır Fine Arts High School. 2013- Started his undergraduate education at Dokuz Eylül Faculty Art Education. 2014-Izmir HaberEylül He worked as a cartoonist in his newspaper. 2014-He made a drawing on social media called Cartoon World. 2015-In Batman Sonsöz Newspaper He worked as a cartoonist. 2015-Sleepless Humor magazine & quot; Inbox & quot; He made a drawing in the corner 2016-Buca He worked as a cartoonist in the newspaper Denge. 2019-Graduated from Dokuz Eylul University Buca Faculty of Education (Department of Graphic Design). and internationally; Izmir, Istanbul, Iğdır, Mardin, Diyarbakır, Bolu, Aydın / NewYork, Belgium, Mixed and personal in Germany, Ukraine, Russia, America, Iraq, Netherlands, Kentucky, London, Qatar, Italy The exhibitions have been opened / attended. Nearly 70 (seventy) museums, whose works are national and international and available in the collection of collectors. AWARDS 2020- International "Spring and Flowers" Online Exhibition and Competition - Tall Suquoia Gallery(1st/Birincilik) / USA 2020- Teelent Art Italy "StART " Art Competition (1st/Birincilik) ITALY 2017-KÖROĞLU VE BOLU PAİNTİNG COMPETİTİON-HONORABLE MENTİON(Mansiyon) BOLU/TURKEY 2017-4.INTERNATİONAL CULTURE AND ART DİALOGUE ASSOCİATİON MEHMET NURİ GÖÇEN PAİNTİNG COMPETİTİON-SUCCESS AWARD(1st/birincilik) TURKEY 2013-18.NEHAR TÜBLEK ” ISTANBUL ” CARTOON COMPETİTİON-SPECİAL JURY PRİZE(Jüri Özel Ödülü)- TURKEY 2012-GRAFFİTİ SKETCH BATTLE CONTEST-HONORABLE MENTİON (Mansiyon) TURKEY 2011-DİYARBAKIR “POLİCE WİTH YOUTH” PİCTURE CONTEST – FİRST PLACE(1 st/ Birincilik)TURKEY