Menya zovut Irina. YA rodilas' v 1971 godu v dalekom i prekrasnom Kazakhstane, v gorode Kokchetave. Kokchetavskaya oblast' – eto odno iz samykh zhivopisnykh mest zemnogo shara. Tam raspolozheny siniye gory, prozrachnyye reki i ozera, sosnovyye bory i berozovyye roshchi. V etu krasotu roditeli vyvozili menya, sestronku i bratishku kazhdyye vykhodnyye. Roditeli privili nam lyubov' k prirode, i seychas ona proyavlyayetsya v moikh peyzazhakh. V detstve ya ochen' lyubila risovat' melom i karandashami, a yeshcho mne nravilos' pet', poetomu mama otvela menya v muzykal'nuyu shkolu. Parallel'no ya uchilas' v obshcheobrazovatel'noy shkole, a risovaniyem zanimalas' v svobodnoye ot ucheby vremya. K sozhaleniyu, khudozhestvennogo obrazovaniya ya ne poluchila. Posle okonchaniya shkoly, v 1988 godu, ya pereyekhala v Ukrainu, postupila v Mirgorodskiy keramicheskiy kolledzh, zakonchila yego. Zatem vyshla zamuzh, rodila dvukh prekrasnykh synovey. Vmeste s muzhem otkryli svoy biznes, no vremya ot vremeni ya vso ravno vozvrashchalas' k risovaniyu, teper' eto byla akvarel'. So vremenem deti vyrosli. U menya poyavilos' bol'she svobodnogo vremeni, i ya reshila zanyat'sya samoobrazovaniyem v oblasti zhivopisi, izuchala razlichnyye tekhniki, probovala raznyye vidy krasok. Vnachale ya pisala akrilom, a teper' pereshla na maslyanyye kraski. S udovol'stviyem predstavlyayu svoi raboty vashemu vnimaniyu. Ещё 1292 / 5000 Результаты перевода My name is Irina. I was born in 1971 in distant and beautiful Kazakhstan, in the city of Kokchetav. Kokchetav region is one of the most picturesque places in the world. There are blue mountains, transparent rivers and lakes, pine forests and birch groves. My parents took me, my little sister and my brother to this beauty every weekend. Our parents instilled in us a love of nature, and now it manifests itself in my landscapes. As a child, I loved to draw with chalk and pencils, and I also liked to sing, so my mother took me to a music school. At the same time, I studied at a general education school, and was engaged in drawing in my free time. Unfortunately, I did not receive an art education. After graduating from school, in 1988, I moved to Ukraine, entered the Mirgorod ceramic college, graduated from it. Then I got married and gave birth to two beautiful sons. Together with my husband, we opened our own business, but from time to time I still returned to drawing, now it was watercolor. Over time, the children grew up. I had more free time, and I decided to engage in self-education in the field of painting, studied various techniques, tried different types of paints. At first I painted with acrylics, but now I switched to oil paints. The childhood passion for drawing grew into a great love for painting. I am pleased to present my work to your attention.
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