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Artist Francesco Mappa

Francesco Mappa

Artist from Italy

12 follower·1 following

About the artist Francesco Mappa

He was born in Italy in 1972 and, from an early age, showed a propensity for art in general. He began writing poetry at the age of six and won his first literary prize at the age of seven. He has been painting since his teenage years and in 2014 became interested in digital art. His name appears in several European literary anthologies.

  • Community member since August 11th, 2022
  • Kind of fine art:Digital Art


Beijing (China), Prague (Czech Republic), Corfù (Greece), Rome (Italy), Milan (Italy), Bonn (Germany), Barcelona (Spain), London (England), Edinburgh (Scotland), Bangkok (Thailand), Toronto (Canada), New York (New York , United States of America), Chicago (Illinois, United States of America).


He did his university studies in the UK, specialising in Molecular Medicine and Psychology. He works as a Criminologist and Juridical Pedagogist.

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