Artist Vasily Tryndyk

Vasily Tryndyk

Artist from Netherlands

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About the artist Vasily Tryndyk

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Vasily Tryndyk was born in 1954 in Nalchik in Kabardino-Balkaria in the family of the famous artist Nicolay Zaharovich Tryndyk (1916-1987). So from the very early age Vasily knew the smell of the paint. The father was for Vasily his main teacher, his mentor and adviser. They were always together - in the studio and doing sketches outdoors. Vasily’s artistic talent revealed itself in his early childhood. When he was 9, his poster in the contest “Environmental Protection in Children’s Eyes” was rewarded and published in the “Health” magazine, as well was it on display in Kremlin. In 1972 Vasily Tryndyk became a student of the Art and Graphic Demidov School in Leningrad, which he later graduated successfully. That’s when Vasily fell in love with Leningrad/ Petersburg. Serving in the army followed this, of which Vasily still has special memories and feelings. There are a lot of portraits and sketches of his fellow soldiers left from that period, telling the stories from the military life. His artistic work was noticed and commander of the North Caucasus Military District recommended him to the Grekov studio, but being a very peaceful person Vasily couldn’t imagine his life in the army. This period in Vasily’s work can be called realistic. Attention to details, coloristic subtility, amazing life-like portraits and an ability of portraying man’s inner world. His art already showed what later became his works’ distinctive feature - an incredible feeling of colour and light. In 1982 Vasily Tryndyk became a member of the Union of Artists of the Soviet Union. His artistic achievements were noticed at various exhibitions - regional and All-Soviet Union. He paints the nature of the Northern Caucasus, its high mountains and rapid streams as well as quite evenings by the river. He enjoys painting still life... He is especially good at portraits. He can reflect on the canvas all those evanescent emotions and moods of the man, which are so hard to catch, and at the same time surprise the observer with the life-like similarity of the portraits. In the period from 1984 to 1989 Vasily Tryndyk was the main artist of the Art Foundation of the KBASSR. Year 1986. Perestroika was announced in the Soviet Union and it is the time to redefine the mission of the artist. Themes of protection of our world, protection of a human, penetration into the depth of his mind and subconscious. He is concerned about the fate of our environments both in planetary and everyday life. The series of paintings “Dumb animals” gained acceptance in the form of letter of recognition at the All-Soviet Union exhibition in Manege in Moscow in 1987. Still staying realistic in his style of painting, his works began to have an enormous symbolic value. In 1990 Vasily went abroad for the first time, to Berlin. It was a time of euphoria - the Berlin Wall was broken, but East Berlin still seems to be there with its “socialistic life”. That’s when Vasily met an owner of the gallery from the Netherlands, who invited Vasily to the West. In 1991 the life of the artist changes dramatically - he and his family came to work under the contract to the Netherlands. The difficult political situation in Russia played then its crucial role in the fact that V. Tryndyk stayed in the Netherlands for a long time. Holland met the artist very friendly - numerous exhibitions and recognizing him as an artist has followed. He is still in a search of new artistic forms of expression. The “Dutch period” is remarkable for its philosophical reflections of the essence of being. A wise man said that the world is what you are able to receive. The bigger your inner space is the more you absorb and the more abundant the world is. At last you realize that it is not what we see. And as you grow, so does the universe, because it is actually an expanding universe. All these thoughts excite the artist and he seeks for new music of colour, melodies, and sounds of the universe in painting. He creates a series of paintings “The Musicians”. The artist explores an individual musician, his music of the universe and then combines them all together in one painting and we see that the Creator was in a perfect mood when he created our world. Love is also an important theme in this artist’s work. This is the great love for life, for family, for people, for the motherland, for our planet. The artist speaks about it calmly, without pathos, because that is what love is supposed to be. There was a big break in Vasily’s work, when he didn’t exhibit his paintings for the audience, but it doesn’t mean that he didn’t work. On the contrary at this time he worked diligently as ever, following the thoughts and feelings which had always concerned him. There are a lot of artists showing how not to live. Vasily Tryndyk shows how to live, depicting alternative reality and our colourful, loving and wise home, our world. Vasily was always worried about what is happening in Russia and his connections to the homeland were not broken. For many years he has been living in two places, spending winters in Holland and summers in Russia. Almost every summer he goes to the Caucasus. In St-Petersburg he was invited to join an Artistic Association “Polyrealism XXI century” and since 2007 he participates in all exhibitions of this association. He also takes part in the exhibitions of the Union of Artists of St-Petersburg.

  • Community member since July 15th, 2018
  • Kind of fine art:Painting


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1970-2017 9 T/M 24 SEP 2017 Vasily Tryndyk en Frank Biemans 1-10 September 2017 Deelnemende kunstenaars Villa Expo 3.0 - Villa Clementina 2017 PoliRealizm №17 ... 21.03.2017 - 02.04.2017 St .Petersburg (Russia) В выставочном центре Санкт-Петербургского союза художников. Творческое объединение профессиональных художников "ПОЛИРЕАЛИЗМ. ХХI век" KEMPRO май 2016 Welkom op de site van Kunst in de Vallei Stichting Kunst in de Vallei organiseert jaarlijks het Edese kunstevenement. In 2016 Carre d'artistes®, making contemporary art accessible to all and supporting artistic creation. Beste kunstliefheb(b)(st)er, Op zondag 13 maart 2016 om 15.00 u 2015 St .Petersburg (Russia): Polyrealism XXI century (15-e expositie) 2014 Exposities Vasily Tryndyk 2014 Deventer Galerie Kiek-Kus. Tentoonstellingsperiode van 2 juli t/m 3 augustus 2014 Lees verder.... 2014 St. Petersburg (Russia) Polyrealism XXl 15.04.2014 2014 St .Petersburg (Russia) Sheremetevski Palace in St. Petersburg 2014 Nijmegen: St.Maartenskliniek 2013 2014 Galerie Lauswolt 2013 Apeldoorn: Galerie H-10A 2013 Nijmegen: Kunstraffinaderij. Stevens Kerk 2013 Regionale Kustdagen Deh Haag, Arnhem, Den Bosch 2012 Amsterdam: Annual Dutch Art Fair 2012 St.Petersburg (Russia): Centrale Expositiezaal. Lente expositie 2011 St .Petersburg (Russia): Polyrealism XXI century (10-e expositie) 2010 St.Petersburg (Russia): Centrale Expositiezaal Herfst expositie 2010. St .Petersburg (Russia):? Polyrealism XXI century ?(9-e expositie) 2009. Nijmegen:? St.Maartenskliniek 2008. St. Petersburg (Russia): ?Centrale Expositiezaal? 75 jaar van Kunstbond St.Petersburg 2008. St. Petersburg (Russia): Centrale Expositiezaal? ? (Polyrealism? XXI century .4-e expositie) 2007. St. Petersburg (Russia): ?Centrale Expositiezaal (Polyrealism XXI century. 3-e expositie 2005. St. Petersburg (Russia) : Centrale Expositiezaal? Herfst expositie 1995. Eindhoven: Galerie Contempo 1994. Nijmegen : Galerie ‘t Labyrint 1993. Groesbeek: Kunstkring Dekkerswald 1992. Groesbeek: tentoonstelling Dekkerswald. 1992. Arnhem: Galerie Vlasblom. 1992.Nijmegen Galerie ‘t Labyrint 1991 Nijmegen: Art Galerie Dima: «Nijmegen In Russisch perspectief», 1991 Nijmegen: Art Galerie Dima “, expositie van Russische en Praagse Kunst’. 1991 Schiphol: “Art at the top”. 1991 Maastrlcht: MEC- centrum Maastricht. 1990 Makhachkala: Regionale expositie 1989 Moskou : Expositie van Sovjet Union 1988 Moskou: Manege Expositie naar aanleiding van het 100-jarig bestaan van het kunstacademisch buitenhuis van Repin 1986. Jordanie: tentoonstelling in het Koninklljk Paleis 1986. Nalchik: Expositie ?Noord Kaukasus 1985. Moskou: Centrale expositiezaal 1985. Rostov: 40 jaar overwinning 2-de Wereld orloog 1984. Krasnodar: Regionale expositie 1983. Rostov: Regionale expositie 1982. Moskou: expositie voor de Sowjet-Unle, ‘Zestig jaar Sowjet-Unie’. In ‘De Manege’. 1981. Moskou: Tweede expositie voor de Sowjet-Unie van aquarellen en tekeningen. Centrale Expositlezaal. 1980. Moskou: expositie voor de Sowjet-Unie in ‘De Manege’. 1979 Nalchik: expositle voor de Noordkaukasische Republiek. 1978 Rostov: regionale expositie. 1975 Makhachkala: regionale expositle. 1973 Ordzonikidze: regionale expositie ‘Kaukasus’. 1972 Nalchik: expositie van de Noord Kaukasische Repubilek van het werk van jonge kunstenaars. 1970 Moskou: exposltie van door kinderen gemaakte aanplakbiljetten


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In 1972 Vasily Tryndyk became a student of the Art and Graphic Demidov School in Leningrad, which he later graduated successfully. That’s when Vasily fell in love with Leningrad/ Petersburg.

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