Fragments of the sky Painting by Anastasiia Doro
Fragments of the sky Painting by Anastasiia Doro
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Fragments of the sky

Original artwork, 50×50 cm, 2024
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Characteristics of the Painting “Fragments of the sky”

Year of creation2024
Dimensions50 W × 50 H × 3.5 D   cm
Type of artpainting
Materialsacrylic, canvas
Type of packagingcardboard box

Description of the Artwork “Fragments of the sky”

In 'Fragments of the Sky', Anastasiia Doro invites viewers into an immersive world where imagination and reality converge. Here, the viewer stands beneath a canopy of abstract autumn leaves, looking up to see a sky painted in hues of bright cerulean and soft light. This painting is not just a visual treat; it’s a journey into the warmth of the sun and the happy moments it represents. Through Doro's skillful use of color and form, we experience the joy and brightness of life, reminding us of the beauty that surrounds us, often hidden, waiting to be discovered through fragments of imagination.

Artwork in the interior

About the artist

Anastasiia Doro is a contemporary abstract artist of Ukrainian origin currently residing in France. She's been always sensitive to beauty finding it everywhere : in nature, people, little everyday things, in every single detail. Being a self-taught artist she likes experimenting with techniques and inventing new ones. She is creating her own style which is a mix of abstract expressionism and different artistic trends. Anastasiia Doro has a real passion to abstract art and today it is the main focus of her work. In her artistic universe, everyday details transcend into powerful symbols of freedom and inspiration. The interplay of colors, shapes and structures invites the viewer to embark on a journey through infinite worlds of imagination. Offering more than a visual delight, Anastasiia Doro's artworks serve as vibrational codes , stirring a spectrum of emotions and occasionally driving the viewer into a meditative, special state of mind. Anastasiia Doro's works are present in private collections in the Netherlands, Germany, England, France and other countries.

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